While summer is winding down, it’s not over yet! These outdoor activities in Boston will keep you outside, entertained, and savoring the last bit of summer by exploring your beautiful city!
Take Advantage of the City’s Bike Share Program
Whether you’re a frequent rider or looking for a bit of adventure to celebrate some of the last days of summer, BLUEBikes is perfect for you! With stations all over the city of Boston, you can conveniently explore the city and cover more ground than if you were just walking! Visit the BLUEBikes website for more information on locating stations, pricing, and more!
Walk the Freedom Trail
This incredible 2.5 mile long historical trail is an essential part of the rich history of our nation and the city of Boston. Walking this trail, you will see the beauty of the city and encounter 16 nationally historic sites including museums, churches, a ship and much more. Visit the Freedom Trail website to learn more and to plan your visit today!
Take Yourself Out to the Ballgame – Tour Fenway Park!
For anyone looking to take in the history of undeniably one of the most identifiable landmarks in the city of Boston, a tour of Fenway Park is a perfect way to spend part of your day! Knowledgeable tour guides will walk you through the history of the “America’s Most Beloved Ballpark”, and take you through the halls and out on to the Green Monster! Visit the MLB ballpark tours website to plan your tour, and maybe even a trip to a ballgame!
Ready to live the quintessential Boston lifestyle? Devonshire is perfect for you. Contact us or schedule a tour today!
Other residential towers regulate their amenities to the lower floors, but Devonshire offers amenities with a view. You can work, relax, socialize, exercise, swim and more on the tower’s 41st or …
Devonshire is everything that home should be. Along with stellar amenities and beautiful Boston views, these Devonshire luxury features are in every home. Make living better. Make living beautiful.…
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